Trent 1000 Engine Stands

All our engine stands are OEM approved and manufactured by leading industry suppliers such as AGSE and Hydro.

Trent 1000 Engine Model

Trent 1000 (Trent 1000-A, Trent 1000-D, Trent 1000-G, Trent 1000-J, Trent 1000-K, Trent 1000-M) engines are manufactured by Rolls-Royce for Boeing 787 family aircraft (787-8, 787-9 & 787-10) which were produced from 2009 to present. Thrust rating ranges from 63,800 lbs. to 73,800 lbs.
Boeing 787 aircraft in flight | Aircraft Engine Stand Leasing

Boeing 787-8, -9 & -10 Aircraft

Available engine stands

Trent 1000 APS Rollover Stands

Hydro part number: 4408-3001-000

Engine type supported

Trent 1000

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